For this project we were tasked to show and express something we love. So I picked mountain biking, something I love a lot. I went outside of the box and asked to make a video edit which I go the ok to do. It was a fun time editing and filminng over a few days.

For this project we were assigned a social issue and create 4 posters about 4 diffrent art styles. My social issue was polluntion and gobal warming. The far left poster is a more modern style being simple and straight to the point. Saying “Soon.” while the earth is on fire. Hyperbolizing gobal warming saying this will happen if we dont stop it. My second poster is in art nouveau style saying the word is turning into trash. And this is personified by a tree growing into a trash bag. The third poster is a flat art style talking about deforestation and destorying trees which are the Earth’s lungs. The final poster is in a World War II Russian propaganda style which shows a man stomping on the earth and above in russian saying businessman. Showing how massive corprations are destorying this earth.

For this project I was tasked to redesign and make a promotional material for an event that we have previously been too. I choose the Snocross race that happens in Duluth, MN every year. I redesigned the logo and there themed colors. Along with the promotional material I made a mock website that you can see by clicking here.


More of my work that is not detailed on this page or on the website is in this google drive folder.